Friday, October 11

HS V VB - at Huntley Tournament 

HS EPC V FB - vs Le-Win,  7:00pm

Juniors & Seniors - you can sign up to attend the NorthWest Illinois College Fair on Friday, October 25th. Mrs. Pilgrim will be taking a group of interested students. Permission slips are located on the bulletin board outside of the Media Center.  

Cheer Camp - Reminder that Cheer Camp forms are due on Monday.

Tackle Cancer Shirts - Anyone that ordered IL 73 tackles cancer shirts please pick them up in the office. 

Juniors - There will be a Junior class meeting in Mrs. Haverland’s room today during Learning Lab.

Community Service Opportunities

~ Eastland PTO ~ is looking for help with childcare during their monthly meetings again this year. If you are interested in earning community service hours please see Mrs. Haverland.

~ Concession Stands ~ See Miss Holly or Mrs. Swart.