Monday, September 16
HS G Golf - vs West Carroll (Sandburr Run), 4:00pm
JH VB - vs Chadwick, 4:00pm
HS EPC JV FB - vs Fulton (at PC), 5:30pm
Juniors - don’t forget that your Career Day College Visit forms are due back to Mrs. Pilgrim TOMORROW. Career Day is October 3rd so we have to get those college visit groups figured out and registered for your visit!
Seniors - your Career Day job shadowing paperwork is due this Friday to Mrs. Pilgrim. If you don’t know who to contact, stop by and ask for help!
FHN Healthcare Career Fair - Anyone who signed up to attend the FHN Healthcare Career Fair needs to make sure and get a permission slip for the trip. They are located on Mrs. Higley’s desk in the Media Center.
HS Student Council - there will be a meeting today during LLAB in the old gym.
Community Service Opportunities
~ Eastland PTO ~ is looking for help with childcare during their monthly meetings again this year. If you are interested in earning community service hours please see Mrs. Haverland.